Danu Purwanugraha
Danu Purwanugraha is a Process Engineer at Badak LNG with eight years experiences in LNG plant operation. Experienced in various position at Badak LNG as Process Engineer, Specialist Strategic Planning, Specialist Technology, and in various Company taskforce teams. Has extensive background and experience in the process optimization, simulations, trouble shooting, testing, startup, normal operation, shutdown activities, plant modification, and risk assessment. Experienced in various Engineering Projects both National and International projects. Registered in the Institution of Engineers Indonesia and certified as Senior Professional Engineer. Specializing in process optimization, improvement, and simulation.
Successfully executed lean gas project in 2017-2022 which gives high benefits to stakeholders. Recognized as best employee by Badak LNG for individual job performance in 2018. Lead a team in achieving Platinum Category for Continuous Improvement Program in Annual Pertamina Quality Award 2022.
Actively deliver technical papers in many conferences to share the experiences and open to constructive feedbacks from the audiences. Open for networking to growing better together.
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