Masayori Yoshino
Number of years working in the gas/LNG industry
13 years in LNG industry
Number of LNG X events attended
None (1st time in LNG2023)
The input that I want to make to the conference’s programme
I'm excited to join the programme committee first time. With historical heritage of my company in efficient use of LNG including cold energy, I look forward to enhancing lively and realistic discussions together with the great team members.
What do I expect from LNG2023?
I hope LNG 2023 will help assure the position of LNG as realistic and dependable clean energy alternative near and mid-term for the entire world to support moving towards lower-emission society with a view to further improvement in the future. At the same time, I hope LNG 2023 will provide opportunity to participants to get to know developments in the entire LNG value chain and understand how LNG can be better in the future.
Masayori Yoshino has been with Osaka Gas since 2009 and has been working in the various facets in the LNG value chain.
For the recent 8 years, he has been working for various LNG upstream and downstream projects His duties include leading role in LNG to power project development, technical management in various projects as well as strategy development and implementation.
In early 5 years, he was responsible for ship-shore interface management as well as LNG carrier maintenance and newbuild projects.