Rich Kooy
Number of years working in the gas/LNG industry
25+ years in gas/LNG equipment and process plant EPC and R&D.
Number of LNG X events attended
LNG18 Perth 2016 | LNG2019 Shanghai
The input that I want to make to the conference’s programme
Advance global relationships, innovations, and developments across the LNG value chain - - in technology, engineering, procurement, construction, business development and operations management including in areas such as: integrated carbon capture; large-scale bio-LNG/renewable synthetic LNG production; novel liquefaction, storage, and vaporization/cold energy recovery technologies or installations; novel marine terminal, FSRU, FLNG, peak shaving, merchant, bunkering and small-scale LNG designs or installations; additional emissions mitigation efforts; advanced risk and safety analyses; and advanced operating practices.
What do I expect from LNG2023?
Great opportunities to accelerate communications and progress between leading project developers, owners, equipment manufacturers, builders, consultants, regulators, researchers and others about technologies and other developments to advance the role of LNG (including low-carbon or carbon-neutral LNG) to provide economical, reliable, safe, secure energy during the global energy transition to lower-carbon energy sources.
Rich Kooy is a Senior Institute Engineer at GTI Energy, where leads projects for LNG research, consulting, and other services. Examples include leading four U.S. DOT PHMSA-funded research projects focused on LNG: Process Safety Management (PSM); hazard mitigation measures; Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRAs); and component failure rates.
Earlier he worked at Chicago Bridge & Iron Company (CB&I, now part of McDermott) for 21 years as a Senior Engineer, Regional Sales Manager, Research Program Manager, and other positions where he designed, developed, and sold LNG, cryogenic and other process plants, equipment and technologies.
He holds BSME, MSME and MBA degrees, is a registered Professional Engineer, has been awarded ten U.S. patents, and is a member of ASME, ASHRAE, ASM International, and the American Gas Association’s Supplemental Gas Committee.
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