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LNG 2023 - Vancouver 

10-13 July 2023
Vancouver Convention Centre
B.C. Canada

Chevron and Qatar Energy

Program Overview

LNG 2023


PL.06 LNG2023 Conclusions and Looking Towards LNG2026

Thursday 13 July 2023
Plenary | East Exhibition Hall A
Operations and Best Practice , LNG markets, Energy Security and Decarbonisation , Shipping, Marine operations and Terminals , Upstream/Midstream Gas Production, Processing, Liquefaction , Commercial Stimulii , Downstream Infrastructure and Applications , Clear Filters - See Full Programme

This plenary will reflect on the course of the three conference days and provide critical insight into the discussions. What is the state of technological advancements in the LNG sector? What are the challenges of the turbulent energy transition?  What is the role of LNG in enhancing global energy security?  What are the conditions, and where will the financing come from to expand the LNG business?  How does LNG support climate change ambitions and how is geopolitics shaping the LNG market?  This and many other reflections will be presented.

David Carroll, Former President & CEO - GTI Energy
Michael Stoppard, Global Gas Strategy Lead and Special Advisor - S&P Global Commodity Insights
Ed Crooks, Vice Chair, Americas - Wood Mackenzie
Philip Hagyard, VP, LNG Product Line - LNG Product Line, Technip Energies
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