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LNG 2023 - Vancouver 

10-13 July 2023
Vancouver Convention Centre
B.C. Canada

Chevron and Qatar Energy

Program Overview

LNG 2023


PL.03 LNG’s Role in the Energy Trilemma

Tuesday 11 July 2023
Plenary | East Exhibition Hall A
Operations and Best Practice , LNG markets, Energy Security and Decarbonisation , Shipping, Marine operations and Terminals , Upstream/Midstream Gas Production, Processing, Liquefaction , Commercial Stimulii , Downstream Infrastructure and Applications , Clear Filters - See Full Programme
Sending LNG into emissions-conscious Europe means project owners now have a case to invest more aggressively in emissions reduction measures such as CCUS, electrification, carbon-offsetting, responsible sourcing, and modern propulsion. These measures will help extend the lifespan of the LNG sector well beyond the late 2040s. The challenge is now to make LNG affordable in countries that have just begun their energy transition journey. Will the innovative sector undergo another phase of cost reductions? Can LNG’s cleaner credentials justify lower cost of finance and a price on carbon?
Michael Stoppard, Global Gas Strategy Lead and Special Advisor - S&P Global Commodity Insights
Jack A. Fusco, President & CEO - Cheniere Energy, Inc
Tan Sri Tengku Muhammad Taufik, President and Group CEO - Petronas
Peter Clarke, Senior Vice President Global LNG - ExxonMobil Upstream
Keith Martin, Senior Vice President, PetroChina International London - Chief Commerical Officer, Petroineos Trading Limited, CNPC
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