F.04 Decarbonisation of Natural Gas Liquefaction: Design Options
Wednesday 12 July 2023
Forum | Autumn Sessions | West level 2, Rooms 211-214
Upstream/Midstream Gas Production, Processing, Liquefaction ,
Clear Filters - See Full Programme
In recent years the energy sector has prioritised decarbonization to ensure that natural gas plays a key role in the energy transition. GHG emission reduction and mitigation require the application of cutting-edge technologies and market solutions to cover the various liquefaction plant sources. In this session, leading operators, contractors and suppliers will present effective design options and plant configurations through different case studies covering both brownfield and greenfield plants.
The following themes will be covered in the discussion:
- Plant efficiency improvements including heat recovery systems
- Electrification, using low carbon power focusing on compressor drives
- Carbon capture on major CO2 emitters including blue hydrogen
- The effect of carbon reduction on plant CapEx and economics
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