LNG regasification and cold energy
New regasification processes
Advances in LNG vaporizers
Advances in LNG cold energy utilization: carbon capture, cryogenic energy storage, hydrogen production, etc..
Adapting LNG regasification in a decarbonising economy. Adapting to meet new regulations such as in Europe
Power generation
LNG to power
Floating regasification (FSRU) and LNG‐fueled‐power
Static downstream applications
LNG in the built environment (CHP systems, heating and cooling systems, etc.)
LNG in heavy and light industries . Large scale (historical) infrastructure and small and mid scale
LNG distribution ‐ small and mid scale liquefaction, distribution by rail, road and barge
Transportation fuel
LNG as a transportation fuel ‐ lessons learnt & outlook . Synergy with hydrogen
LNG - bunker fuel/ port facilities/ Impact of IMO2020 regulations
LNG as a non-polluting fuel for arctic environments
LNG usage in the oil and gas business ‐ offshore support vessels ‐ supply boats, personnel transportation, cranes...
New Uses
Advances in technologies/ innovation in downstream applications
LNG for aerospace ‐ methane rocket launchers, and the future of air travel