High-level, globally relevant sessions where the industry’s most senior leaders - CEO’s, Ministers and top executives - share their views on the key opportunities and challenges in the LNG sector
Plenary & Leadership Dialogues
Monday 10 July 2023
Leadership Dialogue with Jason Klein, CEO, LNG Canada
One of the most significant private investments in Canadian history, LNG Canada is a long-life asset with a 40-year export license that will initially produce 14 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of made-in-B.C. LNG for export. Under construction in Kitimat, in the traditional territory of the Haisla Nation, LNG Canada is a joint venture comprised of Shell plc, PETRONAS, PetroChina Company Limited, Mitsubishi Corporation, and Korea Gas Corporation.
LNG Canada CEO Jason Klein will describe how the joint venture will provide security of supply for global markets that rely on Canada’s natural gas reserves to fuel their economies while reducing global GHG emissions as natural gas replaces the use of coal and how it is already bringing significant economic growth and stability to northern British Columbia communities.
The Effect of Geopolitical Risk and Market Volatility on LNG Commercial Activity
Volatility and geopolitical risk have led to extreme market tightening and a material decoupling of spot prices from term prices. Europe is seeking to replace Russian pipeline gas with LNG while regasification investments are alleviating the infrastructure strain. In Asia there has been a retreat from spot purchases due to affordability concerns exacerbated by currency deterioration. Post-2025 contract activity is searching for direction amidst concerns over long-term demand uncertainty, carbon pricing, and the risk of oil prices decoupling from gas prices. Is this the new normal going forward when it comes to LNG contracting?
Tuesday 11 July 2023
Leadership Dialogue with H.E Minister of Energy, Qatar, President and CEO, QatarEnergy
QatarEnergy is at the center of the global energy conversation as it fortifies its position as the world’s largest LNG producer with capacity expansions that will reach 126 million tons per annum and a historic ship-building campaign for as many as 100 state of the art LNG vessels to cater for that capacity.
H.E. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Minister of State for Energy Affairs, the President & CEO of QatarEnergy will provide his perspective on the current energy landscape with LNG being at the forefront of the energy transition. This one-on-one conversation will set the scene for the day’s conference agenda.
Challenges of a Turbulent Energy Transition
A key takeaway from the past two turbulent years is that natural gas continues to remain a critical fuel with its dispatchability and fuel of last resort characteristics. As the world progresses towards net zero, key challenges remain with the scalability of hydrogen and ammonia and supply chain constraints with battery metals. During this time, it is essential that high pedigree natural gas is made available to emerging economies, not only to help their transition away from coal and support the uptake of renewables, but also to alleviate air quality concerns and provide a pathway to economic prosperity. The energy transition is uneven and different countries will progress at different speeds, is natural gas the great equalizer?
LNG's Role in the Energy Trilemma
Sending LNG into emissions-conscious Europe means project owners now have a case to invest more aggressively in emissions reduction measures such as CCUS, electrification, carbon-offsetting, responsible sourcing, and modern propulsion. These measures will help extend the lifespan of the LNG sector well beyond the late 2040s. The challenge is now to make LNG affordable in countries that have just begun their energy transition journey. Will the innovative sector undergo another phase of cost reductions? Can LNG’s cleaner credentials justify lower cost of finance and a price on carbon?
Wednesday 12 July 2023
Leadership Dialogue with Madam Yalan Li President International Gas Union
The mission of IGU is to advocate gas as an integral part of a sustainable global energy system and to promote the gas industry's political, technical and economic progress. The more than 150 members of IGU are associations and corporations of the gas industry representing over 90% of the global gas market. The working organization of IGU covers the entire value gas chain from exploration and production, transmission via pipelines and liquefied natural gas (LNG), and distribution and combustion of gas at the point of use.
Growth of LNG Through Innovative Partnerships and Cooperation
Global demand for LNG is skyrocketing as the industry strives to meet the world’s growing energy needs whilst transitioning to a low-carbon economy. In response, companies are developing multi-stakeholder strategic partnerships to ensure the continued growth of the LNG industry. These projects create and sustain employment, improve productivity and competitiveness, and benefit consumers who are seeking a cleaner source of energy in the long term. What are the opportunities for creating innovative partnerships and effective cooperation going forward?
Fueling the LNG Innovation Agenda
The LNG sector now faces the challenge of preparing for a less carbon intensive world that will turn its scrutiny on its carbon intensity, while keeping costs competitive enough to send LNG to the emerging economies that need it most. These considerations may force a re-evaluation of design, construction, and end use processes. However, the LNG sector is one of continuous innovation, with almost every component across the value chain making progress in reducing emissions and costs while maintaining operational safety and reliability. What technological advancements are helping LNG developers remain relevant in the decades to come?
Thursday 13 July 2023
LNG2023 Conclusions and Looking Towards LNG2026
This plenary will reflect on the course of the three conference days and provide critical insight into the discussions. What is the state of technological advancements in the LNG sector? What are the challenges of the turbulent energy transition? What is the role of LNG in enhancing global energy security? What are the conditions, and where will the financing come from to expand the LNG business? How does LNG support climate change ambitions and how is geopolitics shaping the LNG market? This and many other reflections will be presented.