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LNG 2023 - Vancouver 

10-13 July 2023
Vancouver Convention Centre
B.C. Canada

Chevron and Qatar Energy

Operations and Best Practise

LNG 2023

Operations and Best Practise

Best Practise

  • LNG Applications ‐ training and safety

  • LNG Facility operations ‐ capability management and process safety

  • Drones and their application

  • Digitalisation for operations:
    - Remote Operations opportunities
    - Digital Twins
    - Data Analytics, machine learning/AI


  • Regulating for safety and the environment : trends; legislation; quantitative risk assessment (QRA) for LNG plant siting and operations and carbon footprint from LNG facility operations

  • The use of regulations to promote the use of LNG as a fuel, including transportation by trucks on roads, or on small LNG propelled ships (canals)?

Human Resources

  • How do we attract a new generation of capability to our industry

  • What are the capabilities required for the future? When recruiting graduates?

  • Diversity and inclusion in LNG recruitment and career paths. Policy, benefits and practical examples?